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History of the TTA

On January 18, 1957, the associations known as "Toledo Group of Certified & Permit Motor Carriers" and "Toledo Truck Owners & Cartage Men's Association" were merged and became known as Toledo Trucking Association. On October 15, 1957, the Toledo Motor Carriers Association closed shop and turned all records and money over to the Toledo Trucking Association.


For the first three (3) years Mr. L.R. Tiederman of Mohawk Motor Freight sat as President of this newly formed organization. The officers in charge had a first Vice President and an Executive Secretary-Treasurer. The members were located in the 17 Northwestern Counties of Ohio. The members were separated into three (3) types: (1) Common Carriers, (2) Local Cartage, Contract and Private Carriers, (3) Allied Suppliers of Materials and Services.


The Association worked with and still does work with the Chamber of Commerce, Toledo Lucas County Port Authority, City, County and State Police. We are affiliated with the American Trucking Association, Inc., the Ohio Trucking Association. At one time the Toledo Trucking Association was also linked with the Ohio Motor Carrier Labor Relations Association. The Teamsters Union recognized the Association for the purpose of handling labor grievances for the Unionized Carriers in Northwestern Ohio.


This organization is no longer involved with the grievance proceedings due to the change that took place in 1980 when the industry was deregulated along with the Airlines and all other business' controlled by the ICC and the Government.

Today the Toledo Trucking Association is made up of Public Agencies, Suppliers and Trucking Companies both Union and Non-Union, and various corporations located throughout Northwestern Ohio.


The governing body of the Association is made up of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and a group of Trustees to help manage the various activities associated with promoting safety, fellowship, networking, cost saving programs, social outings, education regarding new and revised issues in our industry, and a voice in Government through numbers.

The Toledo Trucking Association meets on the first (1st) Thursday of each month at a luncheon. These general meetings involve various issues and people that are of interest to the Association and to the benefit of all members. We also keep all the members aware of any proposed regulations which might affect our industry, whether it is good or bad. The Toledo Trucking Association has been instrumental in many ways in the solution of problems in the trucking industry.

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